The drag coefficients may be determined by first noting that the
equations presented here reduce to those of Berryman and Wang (1995) in the low
frequency limit by merely neglecting the inertial terms. What is
required to make the direct identification of the coefficients is
a pair of coupled equations for the two increments of fluid content
. These quantities are related to the
displacements by
The pertinent equations from Berryman and Wang (1995) are
.^(1).^(2) =
k^(11) & k^(12)
k^(21) & k^(22)
p_,ii^(1) p_,ii^(2) ,
where is the shear viscosity of the fluid, the k(ij) are
permeabilities including possible cross-coupling terms. The
pressures appearing here are the actual pore pressures in the storage
and fracture porosity.
We can extract the terms we need from (finaleom), and then take
the divergence to obtain
1/(1-v^(2))^(1) & 0 0 & 1/v^(2)^(2) b_12+b_23 & - b_23 - b_23 & b_13+b_23 (B<>U^(1) - B<>u) (B<>U^(2) - B<>u) = - p_,ii^(1) p_,ii^(2) . Comparing these two sets of equations and solving for the b coefficients, we find
b_12 = (1-v^(2))^(1)[(1-v^(2))^(1)k^(22) -v^(2)^(2)k^(21)] k^(11)k^(22)-k^(12)k^(21),
b_13 = v^(2)^(2)[v^(2)^(2)k^(11) -(1-v^(2))^(1)k^(12)] k^(11)k^(22)-k^(12)k^(21), and
b_23 = v^(2)(1-v^(2))^(1)^(2)k^(21) k^(11)k^(22)-k^(12)k^(21) = v^(2)(1-v^(2))^(1)^(2)k^(12) k^(11)k^(22)-k^(12)k^(21). For wave propagation, it will often be adequate to assume that the cross-coupling vanishes, as this effect is presumably more important for long term drainage of fluids than it is for short term propagation of waves. When this approximation is satisfactory, we have b23 = 0, and
b_12 = (1-v^(2))^2(^(1))^2k^(11) and
b_13 = (v^(2)^(2))^2k^(22), which also provides a simple interpretation of these coefficients in terms of the porosities and diagonal permeabilities.
This completes the identification of the inertial and drag coefficients introduced in the previous section.