Next: Why use the PEF?
Up: Brown: Texture synthesis
Previous: Fourier transform method
Theoretically, the convolution of data (Nd points) and a PEF (Na coefficients)
estimated from the data is approximately uncorrelated in the limit
: a spike at zero lag plus Gaussian, independent
identically distributed (iid) noise elsewhere.
Thus the spectrum of this residual error is approximately white.
The frequency response of the ``inverse PEF'', as computed by deconvolution, is an
Na-point parameterization of the Nd-point inverse amplitude spectrum, as illustrated
in Figure 4. As the size of the filter increases, the parameterization
becomes more accurate, as expected from theory Claerbout (1976). The notion of PEF
as ``decorrelator'' is quite akin to decomposition by principal components
Castleman (1996),
where the number of principal components used in computation determines the degree of
Figure 4 Frequency response of ``inverse PEF''
(deconvolution) as a function of filter size. As expected, as the filter length increases,
the approximation improves.
| |
The following is an outline of the PEF-based texture synthesis method.
- 1.
- Given training image t(x,y), estimate unknown PEF a(x,y) via least
squares minimization:
| |
(3) |
- 2.
- The residual r = t*a is approximately uncorrelated, with the same dimension as the TI,
since we use an "internal" convolution algorithm Claerbout (1998a).
It can be proved that a is a minimum phase filter, Claerbout (1976) so
deconvolution (polynomial division) robustly and stably reconstructs t given r.
Generate a random residual r' with the same dimension as r. To create the
synthetic texture, simply deconvolve r' by a:
| |
(4) |
where the `` / '' refers to polynomial division, our preferred method of deconvolution.
Though the residual is uncorrelated, it does contain ``phase'' information.
Deconvolution of a random image blindly spreads scaled copies of the impulse response
of the inverse PEF across the output space.
If the residual r is not sufficiently whitened, then
the replacement of r with r' will lead to an ineffective representation of
t by .
Figures 5 through 7 illustrate the
PEF-based texture synthesis process. The left-hand panel shows the training image,
the center panel shows the residual r = t*a, and the right-hand panel
shows the synthesized image, . A
10x10 PEF is used in each case. The blank areas in the residual panel correspond
to regions where the PEF falls outside the bounds of the known data.
Figure 5 Smoothed random 2-D image and
PEF-based texture synthesis result. The TI is quite simple (stationary, low
correlation), so as expected, the synthesized image and the TI are almost
indistinguishable. To the naked eye, the residual appears effectively white.
Figure 6 ``Ridges'' image and PEF-based
texture synthesis result. Recall that the complicated connected features of this image
were not completely synthesized by the Fourier transform method
(Figure 3), of which the PEF method is an approximation.
This synthesized image bears even less
resemblance to the TI, exhibiting only a general southwest-to-northeast trend.
The wavy, ridge-like features have many different dips, making them difficult to
predict with a PEF, and with two point statistics in general. The same can be
said for the ubiquitous hyperbolic features of reflection seismology.
Figure 7 ``Wood'' image and PEF-based
texture synthesis result. The synthesis result is pleasing.
The PEF-based method preserves the general trend and relative scale length of the
lineations in the TI. The correlation of the TI is relatively
long-range, in that the lineations cross a large portion of the image, but the
features are merely straight lines at one dip.
Next: Why use the PEF?
Up: Brown: Texture synthesis
Previous: Fourier transform method
Stanford Exploration Project