It is not hard to show that the bulk and shear moduli can both be
assumed to be decreasing functions of the volume fraction of partial
melt. When there is no melt, the solid material constants are
Kg for the purely solid (or grain) bulk modulus and for the purely
solid shear modulus. As solid transforms into melt, the melt
volume fraction is
and the remaining solid volume fraction is
. General relations for the changing elastic constants
for small to modest values of
_sat = _g(1 - c_2).
The new symbols used here are
Ksat for bulk modulus of solid containing pores saturated with melt,
for shear modulus of solid containing pores saturated
with melt, and c1 and c2 are nonnegative, dimensionless
parameters. (If we were to do perturbation theory for small
around the
solid limit, then these parameters would be constant, independent of
.But, we will instead use a more rigorous approach based on Gassmann's
equation (Gassmann, 1951) and arrive at exact
results for c1 that incorporate
dependence and are therefore
valid for a much wider range of values than would be possible using
perturbation theory.)
If in addition we make the assumption which is commonly made about
these systems [see Williams and Garnero (1996)]
that the melt density is approximately the same as that
of the solid material, then we have the additional formula for changes
in density
d v_p = 12d (K_sat+43_sat) - 12 c_1K_g+c_243_gK_g + 43_g , and
To simplify the expression in (dlnvp) further, we can make use of the well-known approximation that
v_pv_s 2. (We relax this strong assumption later in the paper.) Substituting (vp) and (vs) into (vpovervs) shows that
K_g 83_g, which when substituted into (dlnvp) shows that