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Previous: 3-D discontinuity enhancement
Figure 7 Claerbout's ``qdome'' synthetic model.
|  |
Figure 8 Plane wave slope estimates in the x and y
directions (left and right plots, respectively) from the ``qdome''
Figures 7 and 8 show Claerbout's
``qdome'' synthetic model Claerbout (1993, 1999) and its
corresponding slope estimates. In a missing data interpolation
experiment, I remove 75% of the traces in the original model,
arriving at the missing data model, shown in the left plot of
Figure 9. The missing data interpolation result is shown
in the right plot of Figure 9. Most of the original
signal, except for some high-curvature areas, has been restored. Local
3-D plane-wave predictors allow us to use the efficient interpolation
technique of Fomel et al. (1997), based on recursive
filter preconditioning.
Figure 9 Left: ``qdome'' model with 75% of the
randomly chosen traces removed. Right: result of missing data
interpolation with a 3-D local plane-wave prediction filter.
Next: Conclusions
Up: Examples
Previous: 3-D discontinuity enhancement
Stanford Exploration Project