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Comparison study

Figure [*] compares the convergence of the filtering, subtraction and ``simplest'' methods. The subtraction scheme converges significantly better than the two other schemes. Figure [*] displays the three velocity panels corresponding to each approach (30 iterations). The two proposed methods increase the resolution of the velocity space compared to the ``simplest'' scheme. The table below intends to summarize some practical issues for each strategy when coherent noise is present in the input data:

    PEF Regularization   Stability
Methods Convergence estimation needed ? Residual (iterations)
Filtering Slow Easy Not all the time IID Stable
Subtraction Fast Difficult Yes IID Stable
Simplest Slow NA Not all the time not IID Unstable
The ``PEF estimation'' columns relates to the difficulty of estimating the residual PEF in Equation 11 and the coherent noise PEF in Equation 15.
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Stanford Exploration Project