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- Biondi, B., and Sava, P., 1999, Wave-equation migration velocity analysis: SEP-100, 11-34.
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This Appendix is a step-by-step derivation of the Fourier finite-difference
equation, Equation (2), one of the most general forms of the equations
describing mixed-domain migration.
I begin with Taylor series approximations of the single square root
equations for the vertical wavenumbers corresponding to the true
slowness (s)
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= \sqrt{\omega^2 { s }^2 - \left\vert \bf k_m\right\vert^...
\displaystyle{\frac{1}{2} \choose n} \S^{2n} \right]
,\end{displaymath}](img43.gif) |
(18) |
and for the reference slowness (so)
| ![\begin{displaymath}
{k_z}_o= \sqrt{\omega^2 {s_o}^2 - \left\vert \bf k_m\right\v...
...\left\vert \bf k_m\right\vert}{\omega s_o}\right]^{2n} \right],\end{displaymath}](img44.gif) |
(19) |
are binomial coefficients
for real m and integer n.
We can use Equation (19) to replace kzo in Equation (18) and obtain an equation
relating the true depth wavenumber kz to the reference one:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega\left(s - s_o\right)
+ \omega\sum\limit...
...left\vert \bf k_m\right\vert}{\omega s_o}\right]^{2n} \right]. \end{displaymath}](img47.gif) |
(20) |
Next we re-arrange the slowness terms of the equation
to facilitate the substitution of the ratio of the true and reference slownesses:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega s_o\left(\frac{s}{s_o} - 1\right)
+ \o...
... \S^{2n} \left[\frac{s}{s_o} - \frac{s^{2n}}{s_o^{2n}}\right], \end{displaymath}](img49.gif) |
(21) |
which leads to the more compact relation:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega s_o\left(p - 1\right)
+ \omega s_o\sum...
...ystyle{\frac{1}{2} \choose n} \S^{2n} \left[p - p^{2n} \right].\end{displaymath}](img50.gif) |
(22) |
If we make the change of variables
|  |
(23) |
we can write that
|  |
(24) |
Next, if we add and subtract
on the right hand side of the
preceding equation, we obtain that
|  |
(25) |
which can be simplified to
|  |
(26) |
and, furthermore, to
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega s_o\left(p - 1\right)
\left[1+ p \left...
...ystyle{\frac{1}{2} \choose n} \S^{2n} \delta_n \right)\right], \end{displaymath}](img56.gif) |
(27) |
and, finally, to
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega s_o\left(p - 1\right)
\left[1- p \left...
...ystyle{\frac{1}{2} \choose n} \S^{2n} \delta_n \right)\right]. \end{displaymath}](img57.gif) |
(28) |
If we make the reverse change of variables from p to s and so, we obtain
the general Taylor expansion form of the depth wavenumber used for the FFD
migration method:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega\left[1- \frac{s}{s_o} \left(\sum\limits...
...hoose n} \S^{2n} \delta_n \right)\right]
\left(s - s_o\right).\end{displaymath}](img58.gif) |
(29) |
The equivalent 2nd order equation takes the form:
k_z\approx {k_z}_o+ \omega\left[1
+ \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{s...
...t \bf k_m\right\vert^4}{\omega^4}
\right]\left(s - s_o\right).\end{displaymath}](img59.gif)
We can write an analogous form for Equation (29) using a
continuous fraction expansion
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ \omega\left[1- \frac{s}{s_o} \left(\sum\limits...
...\frac{\S^2}{a_n+b_n \S^2} \right)\right]
\left(s - s_o\right).\end{displaymath}](img60.gif) |
(30) |
The equivalent 2nd order equation takes the form:
k_z\approx {k_z}_o+ \omega\left[1
- \frac { \frac{1}{s s_o...
...\bf k_m\right\vert^2}{\omega^2} }
\right]\left(s - s_o\right).\end{displaymath}](img61.gif)
This appendix is a step-by-step derivation of the generalized screen equation.
I begin with the single square root equation for the true slowness (s)

and for the background slowness (so)

We can replace kzo in kz to get
|  |
(31) |
or, in an equivalent form,

Next, we can write a Taylor series expansion, assuming a small slowness squared
perturbation s2-so2
k_z= {k_z}_o\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(-1 \right)^n
...t[\frac{\omega^2\left(s_o^2-s^2\right)}{{k_z}_o^2} \right]
The 2nd order approximation takes the form:
k_z= {k_z}_o
-\frac{1}{2} \left[\frac{\omega^2}{{k_z}_o} \ri...
...t[\frac{\omega^2}{{k_z}_o} \right]^2 \left(s_o^2-s^2 \right)^2.\end{displaymath}](img66.gif)
We can make kzo explicit for the terms of the sum and obtain
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(-1 \right)^n
...rt^2} \right)\left(\frac{s_o^2-s^2}{s_o^2} \right)
}^n,\end{displaymath}](img67.gif) |
(32) |
from which we can derive the generalized screen migration equation:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ {k_z}_o\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(-1 \ri...
...rt^2} \right)\left(\frac{s_o^2-s^2}{s_o^2} \right)
}^n.\end{displaymath}](img16.gif) |
(33) |
Because Equation (33) becomes unstable when the denominator of the terms
in the summation vanishes, we replace these terms with another Taylor series
| ![\begin{displaymath}
k_z= {k_z}_o+ {k_z}_o\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(-1 \ri...
...t]}^i \right)\left(\frac{s_o^2-s^2}{s_o^2} \right)
}^n.\end{displaymath}](img17.gif) |
(34) |
We can obtain the split-step equation through a sequence of approximations in
Equation (34): first, we limit the terms of the inner Taylor series to two
(i=1,2) and the terms of the outer series to one (n=1), therefore

which we can simplify to

Next, we approximate
and get

which reduces to the split-step equation

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