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Getting fitting goals (9) to work correctly requires a good handle on several elements that are not necessarily easy or even possible to achieve. To demonstrate these problems, I am going to set up a simple deblurring inversion problem. The left panel of Figure [*] shows the model $\bf m$ that we are going to attempt to invert for. The right panel of Figure [*] shows the data $\bf d$, the model blurred by a simple known filter. If we add random noise to the problem (left panel of Figure [*]), we can quickly get an unreasonable model estimate (right panel of Figure [*]). If we add an isotropic regularizer, our estimate improves substantially (Figure [*]). We will speed up the conversion of our problem by preconditioning the problem $\bf A^{-1}$ with a symmetric operator and start with
\bf 0&\approx&\bf r_{d} = \bf N_{noise}( \bf d- \bf L\bf A^{-1}\bf p) \nonumber \\ \bf 0&\approx&\bf r_{m} = \epsilon \bf p\end{eqnarray}
as our fitting goals.

Figure 3
The left panel is the model that we are going to attempt to invert for. The right panel is the data, a blurred version of the model.
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure 4
The left panel is the data with Gaussian random noise added. The right panel is the resulting model estimate.
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure 5
The model estimated from the data shown in the left panel of Figure [*] using an isotropic regularization operator.
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Stanford Exploration Project