Most implicit schemes are based on a Crank-Nicholson formulation of the extrapolation problem. This method calculates a centered finite difference approximation to the z-derivative and averages the right hand side of the equation over the two depths:
This problem is now in the form of a set of linear equations Ax=y. If
the second-order-in-space finite difference operator is used
to evaluate the Laplacian, the matrix A is pentadiagonal.
Direct methods, such as Gaussian elimination, may be used to solve the
system. For the particular structure of the system a
block-Gaussian-elimination scheme may be used. For an grid
of data in x and y the operation count for the direct solution is
O(n2). However, this method does not vectorize or parallelize well
because of recursions in the algorithm. Methods that are more suitable
for vectorization, such as block-cyclic-reduction, have a higher
operation count,
. These costs are usually considered
too high for routine application in seismic data processing. If a more
accurate Laplacian operator is used the operator A will have a more
thickly-banded structure and the cost of the direct solution will be
Because of the high cost, this system is not usually solved in 3-D
migration algorithms. Instead, a ``splitting'' approximation is made
and the equations are rewritten in an approximate form that produces
two sets of tridiagonal equations (Claerbout, 1985). However, the
splitting approximation is not an isotropic approximation. If a time
slice is made of the impulse response of the migration algorithm the
wavefront is not circular. Waves propagating at to the
computational grid travel slower than those along the axes of the
grid. Hence, we would prefer to find a method that solves the pentadiagonal