Next: Rule making
The chapters of the books have a unique mapping to computer directories.
Inside any chapter directory is a file with the text of the chapter
and also several topic directories most of which build figures.
A figure directory may build a single figure or several.
Each of about 70 figure directories declares:
- 1.
- that the figure is in the book PVI (or IEI),
- 2.
- the chapter name,
- 3.
- a list of figure names
- 4.
- commands that prepare those figures, and
- 5.
- that SEP definitions, compilation rules,
and i-doc rules are to be included.
Besides the many figure directories are several directories
that install executable programs
which are used more globally in the book.
Modern programming languages, especially C,
facilitate the idea of variables being local,
or global, or at intermediate stages.
We are trying with partial success
to segregate components of interactive documents in the same way.
the subroutines described by a chapter
should be files kept with the chapter,
but at present they are gathered together
for the whole book in a single library directory.
When PVI is completed I will devote more energy
to activating IEI
and then the question will arise of how to handle
parts that are common to the books.
From a program maintenance view,
there should never be duplication,
which implies that a few chapters or appendices
in each book should be identical
or the books should be merged into a consistent whole.
We enhance the mechanisms of interactive documents in two ways,
(1) in the LATEX author's environment,
and (2) in the figure building file (cakefile).
The LATEX environment invokes the
figure building script (cakefile)
but does so in only a standard way
that we have chosen to be
the command ``Change directory to chapter X, figure subdirectory Y,
and invoke the system command `cake -DREADER figurename.idoc'''.
From there control leaves the manuscript environment
and passes to the figure making cakefile
which may interpret it arbitrarily,
and if it is ignored,
control passes along
to the default cake rule
which now invokes the vplot display program
leaving the reader with
only color and zoom to adjust.
Next: Rule making
Stanford Exploration Project