The figure building script is written in a document maintenance language called cake, which is an extension of the UNIX utility ``make''. You can define global ``rules'' to be included in any cakefile (collection of cake commands). These global rules give the software brevity and cohesion. Our biggest difficulty with these rules is that we are unsure of what they should be. I recently realized that the rules can be, and should be different for different people. For example, sometimes you want to put on your reader's hat and do what readers will be allowed to do. Other times, you want to put on your author's hat and install changes in the book. Still other times, you will want a hacker's hat for experimenting. Still another hat is ``installer'' where you are trying to bring the book up on another computer and want to see how many of the figures will build, which won't, and why. We need to develop the rules that enable a person to identify his/her role, reader, author, hacker, or installer, and then type one command like ``cake'' and see it all happen. We are still unclear about when and why a figure directory must be copied and work done in the copy, and when the original figure directory can be safely used.