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Up: Ji and Biondi: Explicit
The first-order approximations of the one-way wave equation by both
continued-fraction expansion and Taylor-series expansion result
in the same equation: the conventional 15-degree equation.
The 15-degree migration equation in the
domain (Claerbout, 1985) is given by
| ![\begin{displaymath}
{\partial P\over\partial z} = -i({\omega \over v} + {v \over 2\omega} {\partial^2 \over\partial x^2})P.\end{displaymath}](img9.gif) |
(6) |
After a second difference approximation to the second partial derivative
and subsequent simplification, the equation (6) becomes
| ![\begin{displaymath}
{\partial P\over\partial z} = M P,\end{displaymath}](img10.gif) |
(7) |
where the matrix M takes the form
M = -i{\omega \over v}
1& & &...
... \\ &1&-2&1 & \\ & &1&-2&1 \\ & & &1&-2\end{array}
M =
2a&b&0&0&\cdots&0\\ b&2a...
...0\\ 0&b&2a&b&\cdots&0\\ \cdots& & & & & \\ \end{array}
a=-{i\over 2}({\omega \over v} -{v \over \omega \Delta x^2})\end{displaymath}](img13.gif)
b=-i{v \over 2\omega \Delta x^2}.\end{displaymath}](img14.gif)
The solution to equation (7) is
| ![\begin{displaymath}
P(z+\Delta z)=\exp(\Delta z M)P(z).\end{displaymath}](img15.gif) |
(8) |
The calculation of the exponentiated matrix
requires matrix
diagonalization, which is numerically expensive.
However, we can approximate the exponential of the matrix by
writing (Richardson, et al., 1991)
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\exp(\Delta z M)= \exp(\Delta z M_e)\exp(\Delta z M_o)+\epsilon(\Delta z^2),\end{displaymath}](img17.gif) |
(9) |
where the matrix M is split into two matrices M=Me+Mo, with
M_e =
a&b&.&.&...&.\\ b&a&.&...
...&b&...&.\\ .&.&b&a&...&.\\ ...& & & & & \\ \end{array}
M_o =
a&.&.&.&...&.\\ .&a&b&...
....&...&.\\ .&.&.&a&...&.\\ ...& & & & & \\ \end{array}
The approximate depth-stepping operator,
| ![\begin{displaymath}
B= \exp(\Delta z M_e)\exp(\Delta z M_o)\end{displaymath}](img20.gif) |
(10) |
forms the basis for our unconditionally stable, explicit algorithm for
migration. To compute the matrix exponentials, notice that both Me
and Mo are block diagonal and we need only consider the exponential
of the 2 by 2 matrix
E =\Delta z
a&b\\ b&a\end{array}
By using the eigenvalue decomposition of the matrix, we see that
\exp(E) = Q \exp(\Lambda) Q^{-1}\end{displaymath}](img22.gif)
={1\over 2}
\exp(\Delta z(a+b))+\...
...))&\exp(\Delta z(a+b))+\exp(\Delta z(a-b))\end{array}
where Q represents the matrix whose columns are eigenvectors of the
matrix E, and
is the diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
Since both Me and Mo are block diagonal, exponentiating them amounts to
exponentiating E. Both
are also block diagonal. Since the eigenvalues of
with a and b imaginary, it follows that
.To prove the unconditional stability of the algorithm we need only show that
. This follows immediately since
, each of
which 1 according to the preceding discussion.
In Figure
, the impulse responses of both implicit and
explicit operators of 15-degree migration are compared for the same
extrapolation step
In the case of the implicit scheme, we used a Crank-Nicholson
implementation which has an accuracy on the order of
.For the explicit scheme, we performed a second-order approximation
using a split M = Me + Mo whose accuracy is on the order of
.We see that the impulse response
of the explicit method has the shape of an ellipse, which is
characteristic of the 15-degree extrapolation operator.
The impulse response of the explicit method shows some dispersion
than that of the implicit scheme due to a poor approximation of
the matrix exponent.
The way to get a more accurate approximation is discussed
in the following section.
Figure 1 The impulse responses (a) of explicit 15-degree migration
with split M = Me + Mo and (b) of implicit 15-degree migration with
Crank-Nicholson approximation. Both extrapolations are performed with the
same extrapolation step
Next: Accuracy
Up: Ji and Biondi: Explicit
Stanford Exploration Project