The suffix .idoc in your Cakefile determines what happens, when the reader presses the middle mouse button on an activeplot label. For example fig1.idoc brings up a vplot figure using tube.
You can start by copying the Cakefile.example:
cp /r2/sep72/Adm/Cakefile.example /r2/sep72/jon1/Cakefile
An example Cakefile in your paper directory will look like this
#include <SEP.defs>#define FIGDIR ./Fig #define FIGLIST myresult mydrawing
#define FIGURES ./Fig/ ./Fig/
default&: view
view&: FIGURES texpr -s -v -2 paper.tex
print&: FIGURES texpr -s -2 paper.tex
figures&: ! pushd ./Fig ; cake figures; popd
%.idoc&: ! pushd ./Fig ; cake %.idoc; popd
clean&: -RM_CMD *.dvi *.log *.aux
#include <SEP.obj.rules> #include <SEP.prog.rules>