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In order to recover the correct amplitude after datuming or migration, we can use the least-squares imaging method introduced by Ji(1992) elsewhere in this report. We use conjugate gradient algorithm. Convergence was obtained in less than five iterations. The right side of Figure [*] shows the datuming inversion result after five iterations. Comparing with the datuming result on the left side in Figure [*], we can see the wavefield is almost the same as the modeled wavefield on the upper left side in Figure [*]. The right side of Figure [*] shows the migration inversion result after five iterations of the conjugate gradient algorithm. Comparing with the migration result on the left side in Figure [*], we can see the noise has been reduced and the reflectors are more clearly imaged.

Figure 10
Least squares datuming result for scheme 2. Left : Datuming result by applying the conjugate operator of the modeling ( the same as Figure [*](c) ). Right : Optimized datuming result by conjugate gradient datuming ( after 10 iteration ).

Figure 11
Least squares migration result for scheme 2. Left : Migration result by applying the conjugate operator for the modeling ( the same as Figure [*](d) ). Right : Optimized migration result by conjugate gradient migration ( after 10 iteration ).

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Stanford Exploration Project