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Figure 3 CMP gathers at surface
positions 1 km and 2 km. Note the bright AVO response at 2.3 seconds
due to the gas reservoir at depth.
Figure 4 Stacked section structural
image. The bright reflectors at 2.3 seconds are associated with a gas
production reservoir interval.
Figure 5 Migration velocity semblance
scans at surface midpoint positions 1 km and 2 km. The overlain
curves are the automatic Monte Carlo velocity picks.
Figure 6 Migration velocity field,
obtained by picking 100 migration semblance scans and slight smoothing.
Figure 7 Migrated CRP (Common Reflection
Point) reflectivity gathers.
The top panel is at surface location 1 km, the lower panel at 2 km.
The midpoint coordinate direction is perpendicular to the plane of
the page.
Figure 8 Migrated CRP reflection angle
gathers. Reflection angle contours range from
at near offsets
at far offsets, in
Figure 9 Migrated structural image
obtained by stacking the migrated CRPs over offset.
Figure 10 P impedance contrast section.
Figure 11 S impedance contrast section.
Figure 12 Density contrast section.
Figure 13 P*S impedance anomaly section.
Note the bright anomaly, probably due to increased gas saturation,
near the surface midpoint position at 2 km.
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Stanford Exploration Project