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- Backus, G. E., 1962, Long-wave anisotropy produced by horizontal layering: J. Geophys. Res., 66, 4427-4440.
- Dellinger, J., and Muir, F., 1993, Dix revisited : A formalism for rays in layered media: Fifth international workshop on seismic anisotropy, Canadian Soc. Expl. Geophys., Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy.
- Dellinger, J., Muir, F., and Karrenbach, M., 1993, Anelliptic approximations for TI media: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 2, 23-40.
- Folstad, P. G., and Schoenberg, M., 1992, Use of equivalent anisotropic medium theory to calculate synthetic seismograms: SEG Summer Research Workshop on AVO, Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts.
- Kennett, B. L. N., 1974, Reflections, rays and reverberations: Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 64, 1685-1696.
- Muir, F., 1991, Various equations for transverse isotropic media: SEP-70, 367-372.
- Nichols, D., and Karrenbach, M., 1990, What is equivalent in an equivalent medium ?: SEP-67, 1-4.
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Following Francis Muir's notation, I use the following symbols:
Wij is
, an elastic modulus divided by density;
C is
S is
.More detailed and complete definitions for all wave types can be found in
Muir (1991).
Stanford Exploration Project