Next: Dot-product test of viscous
Previous: The velocity operator
Viscosity is included mainly for numerical analysis
so I chose
to be a constant.
To create viscosity, the heat flow equation can be applied to the pressure.
Unfortunately we cannot use the heat flow subroutine itself
because the viscosity subroutine also needs to pass through the velocity.
Starting from the heatflow subroutine,
including the pass through,
and increasing from
one to two dimensions
gives subroutine viscosity()
# Viscosity operator = heatflow on pressure and pass through velocity
subroutine viscosity( adj, add, sigma, qq,nx,ny, rr )
integer adj, add, nx,ny, x, y, p, u, v
real sigma, qq(nx,ny,3), rr(nx,ny,3)
p=1; u=2; v=3
call adjnull( adj, add, qq,nx*ny*3, rr,nx*ny*3)
do x= 2, nx-1 {
do y= 2, ny-1 {
if( adj == 0) {
rr(x,y,p) = rr(x,y,p) + qq(x,y,p) +
( qq(x-1,y ,p) - 2*qq(x,y,p) + qq(x+1,y ,p)) * sigma +
( qq(x ,y-1,p) - 2*qq(x,y,p) + qq(x ,y+1,p)) * sigma
rr(x,y,u) = rr(x,y,u) + qq(x,y,u)
rr(x,y,v) = rr(x,y,v) + qq(x,y,v)
} else {
qq(x,y,u) = qq(x,y,u) + rr(x,y,u)
qq(x,y,v) = qq(x,y,v) + rr(x,y,v)
qq(x,y,p) = qq(x,y,p) + rr(x,y,p) * ( 1 - sigma * 4)
qq(x-1,y,p) = qq(x-1,y,p) + rr(x,y,p) * sigma
qq(x+1,y,p) = qq(x+1,y,p) + rr(x,y,p) * sigma
qq(x,y-1,p) = qq(x,y-1,p) + rr(x,y,p) * sigma
qq(x,y+1,p) = qq(x,y+1,p) + rr(x,y,p) * sigma
return; end
Next: Dot-product test of viscous
Previous: The velocity operator
Stanford Exploration Project