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Velocity Transform

Velocity transform is another form of hyperbolic stacking with the summation path  
\widehat{\theta}(h;t_0,s) = \sqrt{t_0^2 + s^2\,h^2}\;,\end{displaymath} (81)
where h corresponds to the offset, s is the stacking slowness, and t0 is the estimated zero-offset traveltime. Hyperbolic stacking is routinely applied for scanning velocity analysis in common-midpoint stacking. Velocity transform inversion has proved to be a powerful tool for data interpolation and amplitude-preserving multiple supression Ji (1994a); Lumley et al. (1994); Thorson (1984).

Solving equation (81) for t0, we find that the asymptotic inverse and adjoint operators have the elliptic summation path
\theta(s;t,h) = \sqrt{t^2 - s^2\,h^2}\;.\end{displaymath} (82)
The weighting functions of the asymptotic pseudo-unitary velocity transform are found using formulas (34) and (35) to have the form
w^{(+)} & = & {1\over{\left(2\,\pi\right)^{1/2}}} \, 
 ...\sqrt{\pi}}} \, 
{{\sqrt{s\,h}\,\sqrt{t_0/t}} \over {\sqrt{t}}}\;.\end{eqnarray} (83)
The factor $\sqrt{s\,h}$ for pseudo-unitary velocity transform weighting has been discovered empirically by Claerbout .

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