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Gazdag's (1978) phase-shift
method for depth extrapolation of a seismic wave-field in the
domain is given by
|  |
(3) |
(Hale, 1992), where W is the wave-field,
is the angular frequency,
kx is the horizontal component of the wave number, z is the depth,
is the angle defined, for isotropic media, by

where px is the horizontal component of slowness.
A(px,z) is an amplitude factor that corrects for the v(z) influence and is
often omitted, partially because it goes to infinity as z approaches
the turning point, that depth where
. This erroneous infinite amplitude is similar to
that encountered when performing Kirchhoff migration with WKBJ
amplitudes determined by Cartesian-coordinate ray tracing (non-dynamic). I will
also omit this amplitude factor in the rest of this paper.
Equation (3) is the WKBJ solution (e.g., Aki and Richards,
1980, page 416) of the differential equation,
{d^2 W\over dz^2}+\left[{\omega^2\over v^2(z)} - k_x^2\right]W = 0
which is the wave equation, expressed in the
frequency-wavenumber domain (the Helmholtz's equation).
For migration of zero-offset seismic data f(t,x), we identify
as the Fourier transformed data
at the earth's surface (z=0).
Inverse Fourier transformation of equation (3) from wavenumber
kx to distance x gives
|  |
(4) |
and then evaluation of the inverse Fourier transformation from frequency
to time t at t=0 yields the subsurface image
|  |
| (5) |
Equation (5) concisely summarizes the zero-offset phase-shift migration
method in isotropic media (Hale, 1992).
Output data after time migration, however, are usually presented as a function
of two-way vertical traveltime,
, rather than depth. Substituting
equations (4) and (5) yields
|  |
(6) |
|  |
(7) |
Kitchenside (1991) and Gonzalez (1991) showed the earliest implementations
of poststack phase-shift migration in anisotropic media.
In VTI media, velocity varies with phase angle,
, and, therefore,

where V is the phase velocity, and

is the vertical P-wave velocity (=VP0). Setting
(The velocity-normalized vertical component
of slowness), equation (6) becomes
|  |
(8) |
and equation (5) becomes
|  |
(9) |
which concisely summarizes the zero-offset phase-shift migration
method in VTI media.
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Stanford Exploration Project