The discrimination between shales and sands in the subsurface is key to
oil exploration. Reservoirs usually exist in sand layers,
sandwiched between large columns of shale layers.
In a previous paper (Alkhalifah and Rampton, 1997), we showed
that the anisotropy parameter , extracted from surface seismic P-wave data,
can be used,
in a low resolution sense, to discriminate between shale-dominated layers
and sand-dominated ones. The underlying theory is that shales induce anisotropy (Banik, 1984),
in particular, and sands do not (
In our earlier paper (Alkhalifah and Rampton, 1997), we implemented the
nonhyperbolic moveout inversion of Alkhalifah (1997) on a line that included spread length
with offsets up to 6 km. The resulting
estimates showed reasonable correlations
with the reflections on seismic sections. Also, the estimates
correlate well with
gamma-ray well-log measurements, used as a shale
estimate, which proves the credibility of these results.
In this paper, we use modified inversion tools, compared to the one used in our previous paper
(Alkhalifah and Rampton, 1997),
which although are based on the same underlying theory of nonhyperbolic inversion,
provide more stable estimates of over a larger scale. The inversion now includes
a damping process that constrains the
values at depth, where the inversion is less stable,
and a picking feature that helps constrain the NMO velocity and thus avoid multiples. We apply
the inversion to two portions of a line from Trinidad and
obtain 2-D plots of
distribution in the
subsurface at these two regions.