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Figure 1 is a 2-D line taken from the 3-D survey in
the North Sea. It shows the stacked result after we have applied a
2.5-D pre-stack Kirchhoff depth migration. The salt body can be
seen in the middle of the section. The reflector we wish to image
obviously fades then disappears as it nears the salt body.
Figure 2 shows two common reflector point (CRP) gathers
taken from this section. The reflector is visible in the CRP gather that
is farther from the salt but is almost totally missing in the second CRP
gather. There is some coherent energy in the mid-offsets. By analyzing a
synthetic dataset based on this real data we will show
that this behavior is due, at least in part, to illumination problems.
Figure 1 PSDM section from the real dataset
Figure 2 Left: CRP gather from field data at surface
location 8500 m
showing the flattened reflector. Right: CRP gather from field data at
surface location
7500 m showing coherent energy at mid-offsets.
Figure 3 Synthetic velocity model
Next: Synthetic Experiments
Up: Prucha, et al.: Elf
Previous: Introduction
Stanford Exploration Project