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Physical nonlinearity

When standard methods of physics relate theoretical data $\bold d_{\rm theor}$ to model parameters $\bold m$,they often use a nonlinear relation, say $\bold d_{\rm theor} =\bold f(\bold m)$.The power-series approach then leads to representing theoretical data as
\bold d_{\rm theor} \eq
 \bold f(\bold m_0 + \Delta \bold m)...
 \bold f\bold (\bold m_0) + \bold F\Delta \bold m\end{displaymath} (87)
where $\bold F$ is the matrix of partial derivatives of data values by model parameters, say $\partial d_i /\partial m_j$,evaluated at $\bold m_0$.The theoretical data $\bold d_{\rm theor}$ minus the observed data $\bold d_{\rm obs}$ is the residual we minimize.
\bold 0 \quad\approx\quad
 \bold d_{\rm theor} - \bold d_{\rm o...
 ...ld r_{\rm new}
 &=& \bold F\bold \Delta\bold m + \bold r_{\rm old}\end{eqnarray} (88)
It is worth noticing that the residual updating (89) in a nonlinear problem is the same as that in a linear problem (44). If you make a large step $\Delta \bold m$, however, the new residual will be different from that expected by (89). Thus you should always re-evaluate the residual vector at the new location, and if you are reasonably cautious, you should be sure the residual norm has actually decreased before you accept a large step.

The pathway of inversion with physical nonlinearity is well developed in the academic literature and Bill Symes at Rice University has a particularly active group.

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