To get smoother results
I took the time axis to be continuous
and the signal value at (t,x)
to be distributed between the two points
.The two time points
and the x-value
are mapped to two slownesses
.The signal from the (t,x)-pixel is sprayed into the horizontal line
.To enable you to reproduce the result,
I include the vspray() subroutine.
subroutine vspray( adj, nt,dt,t0, nx,dx,x0, tx, ns,ds,s0, zs)
integer adj, it, nt, iz, nz, ix, nx, is, ns, isp, ism
real tx(nt,nx), zs(nt,ns), scale
real z,dz,z0, t,dt,t0, x,dx,x0, s,ds,s0, sm,sp, xm,xp, tm,tp
nz=nt; dz=dt; z0=t0;
call adjnull( adj, 0, tx, nt*nx, zs, nz*ns)
if( adj == 0) { do ix=1,nx; call halfdif ( 1, nt, tx(1,ix), tx(1,ix) )}
do iz= 1, nz { z = z0 + dz*(iz-1)
do ix= 1, nx { x = x0 + dx*(ix-1)
do it= iz, nt { t = t0 + dt*(it-1)
tm = t-dt/2; xm = x
tp = t+dt/2; xp = x
sm = (tm**2 -z**2)/xp**2; ism = 1.5+(sm-s0)/ds
sp = (tp**2 -z**2)/xm**2; isp = 1.5+(sp-s0)/ds
if( ism<2 ) next
if( isp>ns) next
scale = sqrt( t / (1.+isp-ism) ) / ( abs(x) + abs(dx)/2.)
do is= ism, isp {
if( adj == 0)
zs(iz ,is) = zs(iz ,is) + tx(it ,ix) * scale
tx(it ,ix) = tx(it ,ix) + zs(iz ,is) * scale
} } }
if( adj != 0) { do ix=1,nx; call halfdif ( 0, nt, tx(1,ix), tx(1,ix) )}
return; end
Figure 5 shows the result for the same inputs as used in Figures 3 and 4.
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