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The Solar Oscillations Investigation project (
provided us with a cube of data recorded by their MDI instrument.
They transformed the coordinate system to Cartesian coordinates by
projecting high-resolution data from an area approximately
square onto a tangent plane.
Figure 1 shows a time slice through
a cube of raw velocity data from the MDI. The object in the center of
the panel is a sun-spot. Figure 2 shows a
time-distance section through the same cube.
The sampling spacing is 1 minute on the time-axis and approximately
68 km on the two spatial axes.
Events on Figure 2 fall into two distinct spectral
windows. The low temporal frequency events (<1.25 mHz) are related to
solar convection (super-granulation), while the higher frequency events
are related to acoustic wave propagation.
We were interested in studying acoustic wave phenomena; so as a
preprocessing step, we removed the lower frequency spectral
window by applying a
low-cut filter to the
Figure 1 Time-slice through the raw
data. The object in the center is a sun-spot. Distances are in
Megameters (thousands of kilometers), and time units are kiloseconds.
Figure 2 Time-space section through
a subset of the raw data.
Next: 3-D Kolmogoroff spectral factorization
Up: Rickett & Claerbout :
Previous: Permanent recording installations
Stanford Exploration Project