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This appendix is a picture summary of the processing we describe in the paper. We present four figures for each of the two models we discuss in the earlier sections.
- Figures (A-1,A-2) and (A-5,A-6) describe the first two WEMVA loops (Figure 2) for models 1 and 2, respectively. From top to bottom, the panels depict
- the background slowness model,
- the background image,
- the image improved by residual migration, and
- the perturbation in image derived from the background and improved images.
- Figures A-3 and A-7 describe the changes on the slowness model for the first two WEMVA loops (Figure 2). From top to bottom, the panels depict
- the correct slowness,
- the background slowness,
- the updated slowness after the first loop, and
- the updated slowness after the second loop.
- Figures A-4 and A-8 describe the changes that are induced on the image for the first two WEMVA loops (Figure 2). From top to bottom, the panels depict
- the image migrated with the true slowness,
- the image migrated with the starting slowness,
- the image migrated with the slowness updated after the first loop, and
- the image migrated with the slowness updated after the second loop.
Figure 36 Model 1, WEMVA loop 1. From top to bottom: background slowness, background image, improved image, and image perturbation.
Figure 37 Model 1, WEMVA loop 2. From top to bottom: background slowness, background image, improved image, and image perturbation.
Figure 38 Model 1, summary of slowness changes with loop number. From top to bottom: the true slowness, the starting slowness, the slowness updated after the first loop, the slowness updated after the second loop.
Figure 39 Model 1, summary of image changes with loop number. From top to bottom, images obtained with the true slowness, the starting slowness, the slowness updated after the first loop, the slowness updated after the second loop.
Figure 40 Model 2, WEMVA loop 1. From top to bottom: background slowness, background image, improved image, and image perturbation.
Figure 41 Model 2, WEMVA loop 2. From top to bottom: background slowness, background image, improved image, and image perturbation.
Figure 42 Model 2, summary of slowness changes with loop number. From top to bottom: the true slowness, the starting slowness, the slowness updated after the first loop, the slowness updated after the second loop.
Figure 43 Model 2, summary of image changes with loop number. From top to bottom, images obtained with the true slowness, the starting slowness, the slowness updated after the first loop, the slowness updated after the second loop.
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Stanford Exploration Project