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We want to find the moveout equation of a CSL at surface location x.
Suppose a reflector of dipping angle
is located at (xt,zt);
then equation (11) gives the coordinates, (x,z), to which the
reflector is mapped after migration.
According to our assumption, the lateral change of the dipping angle around the
surface location x can be neglected. Let
be the true depth of the
reflector at surface location x, then we have following relations:

Solving xt and zt from this pair of equations,
x_t = x_s+{\displaystyle{\sin \alpha \over...
...\hat{z}\cos \theta
+(x_s-x)\sin \theta].
Replacing xt and zt in equation (11) with equation (B.2)
and reorganizing the expressions in (11), we obtain equation
(12), in which the variable
is replaced by
, as defined in equation (10):

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Stanford Exploration Project