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Instead of implementing equation (28) in one step we can split it into two steps. The first step converts raw data at time th to NMOed data at time tn.

 t_n^2 \eq t_h^2 - {h^2 \over{v_{\rm half}^2}}\end{displaymath} (29)

The second step is the DMO step which like Kirchhoff migration itself is a convolution over the x-axis (or b-axis) with  
 t_0^2 \eq t_n^2 \left( 1 - {b^2 \over h^2} \right)\end{displaymath} (30)
and it converts time tn to time t0. Substituting (29) into (30) leads back to (28). As equation (30) clearly states, the DMO step itself is essentially velocity independent, but the NMO step naturally is not.

Now the program. Backsolving equation (30) for tn gives

 t_n^2 \eq
 {t_0^2 \over 1-b^2/h^2 } .\end{displaymath} (31)

Like subroutine flathyp() [*], our DMO subroutine dmokirch() [*] is based on subroutine kirchfast() [*]. It is just the same, except where kirchfast() has a hyperbola we put equation (31). In the program, the variable t0 is called z and the variable th is called t. Note, that the velocity velhalf does exclusively occur in the break condition (which we have failed to derive, but which is where the circle and ellipse touch at z=0).  

subroutine dmokirch( adj, add, velhalf, h, t0,dt,dx, modl,nt,nx, data)
integer ix,iz,it,ib, adj, add,                            nt,nx
real    amp,t,z,b,             velhalf, h, t0,dt,dx, modl(nt,nx),data(nt,nx)
call adjnull(        adj, add,                       modl,nt*nx, data,nt*nx)
if( h == 0)     call erexit('h=0')
do ib= -nx, nx {        b = dx * ib             # b = midpt separation
    do iz= 2, nt {      z = t0 + dt * (iz-1)    # z = zero-offset time

if( h**2 <= b**2 ) next t= sqrt( z**2 / (1-b**2/h**2) ) amp= sqrt(t) * dx/h if( velhalf*abs(b) * t*t > h**2*z) break it = 1.5 + (t - t0) / dt if( it > nt ) break do ix= max0(1, 1-ib), min0(nx, nx-ib) if( adj == 0 ) data(it,ix+ib) = data(it,ix+ib) + modl(iz,ix ) * amp else modl(iz,ix ) = modl(iz,ix ) + data(it,ix+ib) * amp } } return; end

Figures  24 and  25 were made with subroutine dmokirch() [*]. Notice the big noise reduction over Figure 18.

Figure 24
Impulse response of DMO and NMO

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Figure 25
Synthetic Cheop's pyramid

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